About SCR

If you're from Stratford-upon-Avon or its surrounding areas, if you're visiting the town ( and let's face it,millions do),if you have lived here or visited in the past then Stratford Community Radio is for you. Yes, you! SCR is a non-profit organisation, run by volunteers, dedicated, essentially, to two things...
1) Giving anyone and everyone with something to say about the town and its activities a mouthpiece, albeit in a balanced manner and...
2) Offering anyone who wants to' have a go' at any aspect of radio the chance to come in and make a programme, whether it's about local issues or politics, arts and cultural events or simply to share your views or music with the people of the town.
Young, middle-aged or elderly, everyone has a view on something and we think you should have the chance to air it, irrespective of whether you've ever been 'on air' before.
Of course, we have to reserve the right to ensure that what you might say won't offend (there's no room for extremism or bad language for example), but we know you're a responsible lot and SCR offers a valuable tool for empowering individuals- so come on in and get involved, you'll be surprised how rewarding it can be and, who knows,you might just make people sit up and listen!
There's a good reason we've called the website 'My SCR', because when you're involved you really can feel that the station is yours and that's just what we want.
What kind of programmes will I be able to hear?
In time there should be wide cross section of programmes showcasing music of different kinds, the arts,public opinion,oral histories of the town. Tell us what YOU want to hear......