SCR Presenters
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Nick Asbury is an actor, musician and writer and lives in Stratford upon Avon. He's just spent the last three years working as an actor at the RSC where he wrote a popular blog which is to be published as a book next spring. Being a session pianist and guitarist, he is passionate about all things music, especially live performance. Nick joins Rajere for The Breakfastie Brunch Show on Sunday mornings.

Paul Stringer (Subsonic Reload) Occupying our Friday evening slot form 5-6pm, starting your weekend with a bang! Paul currently attends Stratford upon Avon College where he is studying HND Media his interests include music, producing television and film, skating and heavy socialising. More worryingly, he seems to be interested by brightly coloured clothes. Stringer is an aspiring Radio Presenter and DJ, influenced by other DJ's such as Rusko and Annie Mac. We are delighted to welcome Stringer to the SCR family – he brings a young, fresh approach to Fridays. We just hope that when he’s rich and famous he will remember his first break at Stratford Community Radio.

Rajere (The Breakfastie Brunch Show) trained at the London Academy Of Dramatic Arts and has worked as a professional actress for over nine years. She has appeared on TV, Film and Stage but, until this point, not on the radio... Rajere thinks she is particularly suited to this genre due to her ability to talk for England... and Wales... and pretty much any country you care to mention! She is really excited to be involved with SCR and looks forward to entertaining the Stratford 'massive'!!

Jackie King-Turner (This Much I Know) - When Jackie began belly dancing lessons with instructor Val Rainbow, she had no idea that it would lead to a career in broadcasting! She has been a member of Val’s Miramar Dance Troupe for some time, and when Val got involved with SCR, Jackie wasn’t far behind.
With a corporate career in Sales Management behind her, Jackie was ready for a change of direction – being an accredited Life Coach, she has a keen interest in people – and the result is THIS MUCH I KNOW, a weekly show on Saturdays between 1-2.30 pm.

Matthew, Ben, Alex , Mat and Producer James (That Local Show) inject the youth into SCR. College buddies one and all, they're the boys with their fingers right on the pulse of all things new and exciting. They'll tell you everything you need to know about the local scene and a whole lot more besides........

John Bowlt's knowledge of Country Music is extensive. A former musician himself, for many years he was also a self employed Tour Manager for a leading British company taking escorted tours to Nashville, Memphis and Tupelo (Elvis Presley's birthplace) so was well placed to indulge his passion for all things country. Currently also presenting Cotswold Country on North Cotswold Community Radio (NCCR) between 12 and 2 pm on Saturdays, John has in the past undertaken work with both the Prince's Trust and Hospital Radio Plymouth. An active member of Shipston Rotary Club, John lives in Long Compton with his wife,Molly.

Mark is the technical backbone of The Vibe Tribe, he has a music collection the size of a small country. A creator of music not just a connoisseur, he has worked in many genres including jungle, drum and bass and has even recently worked in film. A true fount of all knowledge,to quote the genius favourite cartoon, Henry's cat, "he knows everything about nothing and not too much about that"

So much packaged in one man! Richard (The Vibe) is the muscle bound hero, actor, musician, tattoo artist and lothario. The king of the kind of music you will love but have never heard before, his hobbies include stamp collection and train spotting.

Robert is the voice of The Vibe, his dulcet tones have charmed the masses and have brought music to a nation of Vibettes. His interests are nothing to do with music - more the leftfield sub cultures of the world. The socially- savvy big guy salsas and jives his way through life with a carefree attitude and a zest for life that is both annoying and disarming.

Adrian Styles (On The Road Show) is the station manager and driving force of Stratford Community Radio. When not at the SCR studio you'll find him on stage, on set or in the recording studio. Adrian loves live gigs and has worked with some of the best in the business. His aims are to enthuse new artists and presenters and offer an independant voice for Stratford upon Avon.

Jackie Alexander - Local writer Jacqui Alexander is a recent addition to the myscr gang, and she hopes to bring the world of fiction, poetry and all aspects of the written word to your ears with her literary hour, Happily Ever After. Plans are underway for her to showcase local writing talent, and Jacqui also hopes to link up with book groups in the town to review both the latest book titles and old favourites and classics too. It goes without saying, of course, that this will be mixed with some great tunes. Listen out for Jacqui’s hour-long show on Fridays from 4-5pm. Jacqui can be contacted via the website forum, or by email to

Mandy Webb and Ian Bramble (Over The Fence) Mandy will be discussing all things Stratford "Over the Fence." Local musician Ian will be popping in to add his own delightful charm to the occassion. With Anne Marie Harry getting us in some tricky positions with "pilates on the radio". So tune in sit back and enjoy!

Steve Matthews (One More Time)- Steve Matthews has been listening to jazz for half a century. His Dad was a jazz lover and, as Steve explains: “As I grew up it was always being played in the house and I guess it just got into my bloodstream.”A former journalist and PR man, Steve enjoyed a hectic career but has never been too busy to retain a deep love of jazz. Steve has also managed to acquire a significant jazz CD collection over the years and it’s these recordings that he plays each week on his regular Sunday show, One More Time.

Andy Garside - Featuring music from the 1960s and 1970s. Andy's show will include some lesser known versions of well known songs and tracks from one specific album from the period.

Sam Molloy (Technician) - We would like to say a big thank you to Sam - our technical man here at SCR. Sam is currently studying for an HND in Media production and does a tremendous job providing technical assistance from behind the scenes. His knowledge on all aspects of recording and broadcasting is invaluable.