SCR Programmes
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Radio programmes will, naturally, cover all aspects of life in Stratford upon Avon. Local politics will be covered and discussed, offering a forum for anyone with 'an axe to grind' to air their views (subject to close scrutiny!), the arts will feature heavily as one would expect and programme-makers from young to old encouraged to participate.
Interviews with luminaries (political and cultural) visiting the town would be sought and,in addition issues affecting those not only within the town limits but also in the more rural environs around it would be directly addressed.
The radio programme schedule would also include a wide variety of shows, both spoken word and music-based, appealing to everyone from youngsters the elderly, from gardeners to jazz enthusiasts, new and classical music afficionados, theatre lovers and film buffs.We also anticipate that there will also be a regular lively debate show which will encourage two-way contact with our listeners.
Adrian Styles Show
Fridays 10 am - 12 am
The Adrian Styles show is an eclectic mix of rock, indie-pop and blues. There's always a surprise or two with special guests from the music world dropping in for a friendly chat. Always a review of the local news plus details of what events are going on in Stratford. Email your requests and Ad will always do his best for the fans of Stratford Community Radio.
Val Rainbow's Alternatives
Fridays 2 pm - 4 pm
ALTERNATIVES - about all things green - alternative lifestyles, ethical issues, and complimentary therapies. Interesting guests, fascinating information and great music with Val Rainbow. Originally a theatre design graduate, Val's eclectic career path includes working in amateur and professional theatre, having her own costume hire business, and being a clown, drama teacher and Belly Dancer! Val has been interested in alternative therapies for over 25 years and is a qualified Reiki Master.
Happily Ever After
Friday 4pm - 5pm
Local writer Jacqui Alexander is another new face at myscr, who hopes to bring the world of fiction, poetry and all aspects of the written word to your ears! Jacqui’s first show will be broadcast this Friday, 21st August, as Happily Ever After takes to the air. Plans are underway for her to to showcase local writing talent, and Jacqui also hopes to link up with book groups in the town to review both the latest book titles and old favourites and classics too. Musically, Jacqui has a broad appreciation and very eclectic tastes, so you might be hearing Pavarotti, Snow Patrol, The Beatles, Lily Allen, Queen and Frank Sinatra all in the same show! Our newest presenter, who lives in Henley in Arden but confesses to spending all her money in Stratford, is a blossoming writer who enjoys penning short stories and poetry and has almost finished her first novel. At the moment she is working on a script for a sitcom which centres on the antics of a drama group – though from what she’s seen so far, she might change that setting for a community radio station! Listen out for Jacqui’s hour-long show on Fridays from 4-5pm. Jacqui can be contacted via the website forum, or by email to .
Andy Garside
Saturdays 10 am - 12 am
Featuring music from the 1960s and 1970s. Andy's show will include some lesser known versions of well known songs and tracks from one specific album from the period.
The On The Road Show
Saturdays 12 am - 1 am
The 'On The Road Show' sponsored by Stratford Tyres features live artists each week from Stratford and beyond. Many well known artists will be dropping in for a chat and to play some live music. Adrian welcomes singer-songwriters from far and wide to come and ply their trade.
Jackie King-Turner's This Much I Know
Saturdays 1 am - 2.30 pm
Jackie King-Turner is new to the world of broadcasting and thoroughly enjoying the challenge! In “This much I know…” she’ll be interviewing and gaining insights from local people who are good at what they do, either in the form of experiences in their lives, or good anecdotes! Jackie will be playing music selected by the interviewees and her own favourites. Jackie is a full-time Mother to two wonderful daughters and is also a member of Val Rainbow’s belly dancing troupe, Miramar.
That Local Show
Saturdays 2.30 pm - 3.30 pm
'That Local Show', gives you the latest and probably the best music ever, along with the latest debates in the community and news of what is happening in YOUR local area. It is a real fun show - you must get in touch with us at the usual address: or find us on Facebook! We love getting emails during or before the show - why not send us pictures that we can shove on our webpage? We hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoy making it!
The John Bowlt Country Show
Saturdays 3.30 pm - 5 pm
What John Bowlt doesn't know about Country music isn't worth knowing. Already an established presenter on North Cotswold Community Radio, John's show will feature something for everyone with a love of country. He travels the world picking up the best new releases and keep his finger on the pulse at all times, whilst also trawling his extensive back catalogue for the best oldies, along with presenting featured artistes, interviews and fascinating facts. Remember - Keep It Country!
The Breakfastie Brunch Show
Sundays 10 am - 12 am
Nick we already know about, but on Saturdays he joins up with Rajere for the morning. Rajere trained at the London Academy Of Dramatic Arts and has worked as a professional actress for over nine years. She has appeared on TV, Film and Stage but, until this point, not on the radio... Rajere thinks she is particularly suited to this genre due to her ability to talk for England... and Wales... and pretty much any country you care to mention! She is really excited to be involved with SCR and looks forward to entertaining the Stratford 'massive'!!
Listen out for penetrating interviews, incisive comment on the big issues of the week and scything wit coupled with music from across the decade. Nick and Rajere are waiting to hear from you, so send in your comments and get stuck in!
The Tribe called Vibe
Sundays 12 am - 2 pm
Bring you the music and oddities from a messed-up world - a Frankenstein's monster for community radio, if you will! The presenters are all Stratford-based and ensure they are involved in (almost) all that is happening in the local area. This talented trio has it all and compress their discoveries and experience into a show that gives you great music, bad jokes, weird news and the odd review - an outstanding mix squeezed into a two hour show every Sunday from 12 am till 2 pm.
Steve Matthews
Sundays 2 pm - 3 pm
Named after a well-known jazz refrain "One More Time" is Stratford Community Radio’s regular Sunday jazz slot, presented by Steve Matthews. The programme presents jazz spanning across its many genres. Presenter Steve Matthews says the programme name also suggests his track selections are getting another well deserved airing. He says: “Jazz recordings have been made for a hundred years but, while it remains wonderful music to this day, many non-jazz people see it as dated and irrelevant.” Steve’s aim, by playing this music "one more time", is to convince doubters and the unaware that jazz remains a great music worthy of serious attention.But, as Steve explains: “While jazz is a terrific music, it isn’t the only great music the world has to offer.”Which is why, each week, Steve plays his ‘off the wall’ bonus selection – a track that has little to do with jazz but is still wonderful music of its own kind.